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Underclassman Awards
Main Campus - gym


On Wednesday we will host our Underclass Awards ceremony in the Main Campus Gymnasium at 1:30 PM - East Freshman will be holding a separate ceremony. 

This is a shift from our practice for past years of making this an evening event. Spring is an extremely busy time in the lives of families with school-aged children, and in the past few years our attendance for the evening event has been around 35%, meaning that only 35% of our students are being recognized publicly. By moving this to the day, we will be able to avoid nearly all conflicts and will be able to recognize nearly all of our students - we do realize that unfortunately we will have a few who are unable to attend due to AP testing. This change also greatly supports our custodial and maintenance teams who have the tremendous task of setting up and tearing down our gymnasium multiple times, and it keeps our facilities from being shut down multiple times to teams and groups that need the gym. We have chosen this day to take advantage of the gym already being set up for Graduation Practice.

We understand that this means that some parents will not be able to attend due to work schedules, so we will be livestreaming the event. We will share that link in a separate email next week. Lastly, we will allow families who are able to attend to do so - we have no idea about seating for the event as we have never done it in this manner! However, we will figure it out on this day and learn from it, and we are excited to be able to celebrate nearly all of our sophomores and juniors. Invitations have been sent to students who are being recognized, and we will make sure that students who are unable to attend receive their awards.