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ACT Testing Information for Juniors

ACT Testing Information for Juniors

ACT Testing for Juniors is scheduled for Tuesday, February 27, 2024. Please take note of the details below:

Date and Participants:

Date: February 27, 2024

ACT Schedule

Participants: All current juniors are automatically registered to take the ACT on this day. There is nothing you need to do to sign up for the test.

Test Details:

Time:  Students need to arrive to their testing room by 8:00am. Testing will begin promptly at 8:10 AM and conclude at 12:00 PM.

Location:  Lakota East High School. Students are required to bring their charged chromebooks as this year's test will be conducted using computers.

Important Information:

Students should report to school at their normal time, but we strongly encourage them to arrive early so that they are not rushing to their testing locations. These locations have been shared with students as pre-test materials were distributed, but we will also post them the morning of the test. We would also like to remind our sophomores and seniors that they do not report to school on this day.

All juniors that are registered to take the ACT received their non-test packets during Hawktime this week. They started this process at school and are required to complete it on their own. They will have until two days after they complete the ACT to finish this portion of the ACT.

Part of the packet is a booklet that has everything they need to know about the test and the process of the test, please read this entire packet before coming in for the test on 2/27. It has information regarding technology and permitted calculators and acceptable forms of ID that are required test.

All students must have a photo ID to be admitted to the testing room. This is an ACT policy; please see Mr. MacFarlane if this is an issue.

All students must have a charged Chromebook to take the test; if they do not have this they may lose time during the test to get a loaner.

Students will be supplied with scratch paper. They should bring a writing utensil. This scratch paper is not graded so it does not need to be a #2 pencil, but the scratch paper is required to be collected at the end of the test per ACT’s requirements. 

Students will have a 15 min break between test two and three. This time can be used to use the restroom, get a drink or a snack. No food or drink can be consumed in the testing room.

Electronics are not allowed from the start of the test until students are dismissed. If a student is using technology or if it makes a sound during the test or the break, the student will be removed from the test and their test will be invalid. 

The following link provides the test day schedule. On Wednesday, all students will return and we will follow our Modified Block Schedule as usual. 


Attendance for Sophomores and Seniors:

All sophomores and seniors will not have classes on this day. Please stay home and make the most of this time.

MyACT Account Information:

On February 14th during Hawktime, students received information from their 5th bell teacher about creating their MyACT accounts. This is a crucial step, so please ensure you follow the provided instructions.

We understand the importance of standardized testing, and we appreciate your cooperation in ensuring a smooth testing experience for all our students. If you have any questions or concerns, feel free to reach out to Matt MacFarlane, assistant principal at Lakota East .

  • act
  • juniors