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Principal's Message - April 12, 2024

Principal's Message - April 12, 2024

Hello ThunderHawk Families, 

It has been a very interesting week for our Thunderhawks! The sun disappeared from the sky for a brief moment of time, our testing schedule was derailed by technology issues at the state level, and it seems to have rained nearly every other hour since then. But through it all, we have persevered. We appreciate everyone’s flexibility and understanding as we adjusted the schedule on the fly. Hopefully, we will be able to finish testing next week with no glitches. 


Final Week of EOC Testing

We have reached the final week of Main Campus End of Course testing. Students will take EOC tests in Government and American History on Tuesday and will take tests in Biology on Wednesday and Thursday. LEHS Week Three End of Course Testing Schedule


Mamma Mia Tomorrow and Saturday!

Opening night for Mamma Mia was last night, and the show was phenomenal. There are three more chances to catch this great show - tonight at 7 PM and again tomorrow at 2 PM and 7 PM. Don’t miss out! Tickets are available via the QR code.


Have a great weekend,

Rob Burnside
Lakota East High School Principal


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